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Keys to a Great Unboxing Experience

Keys to a Great Unboxing Experience

Unboxing is about providing a branded, aesthetic opening experience that builds excitement. The customer purchase experience shouldn’t end when the package arrives — that’s when the experience really just begins. The way customers feel about your brand after the purchase determines whether they become repeat customers or remain a one-time buyer.

Using Behavioral Science in Marketing

Using Behavioral Science in Marketing

If you ask a hundred people what makes a good article headline or email subject line, you may get a hundred different answers. After all, it’s subjective, isn’t it? 

Not entirely, as many marketers know. There’s a science behind what makes a consumer open an email, click on a call to action (CTA) and make a purchase. Whether it’s writing an attention-grabbing headline or getting someone to “click and convert,” understanding that people rely on certain decision-making defaults helps marketers nudge them to take a desired action. 

In this article I discuss how to use behavioral science to improve marketing campaigns. Topics include …

Cyber 10: The Holiday Shopping Sprint You REALLY Need to Prepare For

Cyber 10: The Holiday Shopping Sprint You REALLY Need to Prepare For

Most digital marketers have heard of the Cyber Five, the five shopping days from Thanksgiving Day through Cyber Monday. These five days happen to be the top five online sales days for the entire holiday season, accounting for 19% of all online holiday sales.

And now, within Gray November comes another consumer shopping evolution that will become a holiday season norm — the Cyber 10.